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DFDS August volumes

Total freight volumes in August 2024 were 7.4% above 2023 and up 4.4% adjusted for the addition of Strait of Gibraltar routes in 2024 and closure of the Calais-Tilbury route in 2023. The number of passengers in August 2024 was 68.7% above 2023 and up 9.1% adjusted for the addition of the Strait of Gibraltar routes.

Ferry – freight: Total volumes in August 2024 were 7.4% above 2023 and up 4.4% adjusted for the addition of Strait of Gibraltar routes in 2024 and closure of the Calais-Tilbury route in 2023.

North Sea volumes were above 2023 following mixed activity levels across the route network. Mediterranean volumes were in August above 2023 driven by higher volumes on all routes.

Channel volumes continued in August to be above 2023 as did volumes on the Baltic Sea routes.

For the last twelve months 2024-23, the total transported freight lane metres increased 5.0% to 40.5m from 38.6m in 2023-22. The increase was 2.6% adjusted for the addition of Strait of Gibraltar routes and the Calais-Tilbury route closure.

Ferry – passenger: The number of passengers in August 2024 was 68.7% above 2023 and up 9.1% adjusted for the addition of the Strait of Gibraltar routes. The adjusted increase was driven by higher Channel volumes. The number of cars were 55.1% above 2023 and up 9.7% adjusted for Strait of Gibraltar.

For the last twelve months 2024-23, the total number of passengers increased 41.3% to 6.2m compared to 4.4m for 2023-22. The increase was 7.6% adjusted for Strait of Gibraltar.

Sep 12 2024

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