"Car Ferry Information" magazine was founded as a means of exchanging traffic statistics and information between car ferry companies in Scandinavia.
The predecessor to "Shippax Guide", the 19-page hand-stencilled "The European Ferries List" is published for the first time.
The first issue of "Shippax Designs" is published, then known as "Ferry & RoRo Designs".
Founder Klas Brogren starts working at the company Marine Trading in Halmstad, Sweden, which at the time had the management of the ferry SCOTIA PRINCE. The magazine "Car Ferry Information" is acquired and becomes bilingual for the first time.
”Ferry & RoRo Designs” simply becomes ”Designs”, and ”European Ferries & RoRo GUIDE” becomes ”Guide”.
Elizabeth Mandersson starts working at "Marine Trading", later to become the owner.
"Car Ferry Information" becomes ”Cruise & Ferry INFO”.
After collecting ship information and details for so many years it is now made commercially available. ”Shippax Database” is released and the first years it was distributed on floppy disks, later on DVD, now online.
Moves from the city centre to a larger office in Vallås, Halmstad.
All products are gathered under the new brand name ”Shippax Information”, and the yearbook for passenger shipping traffic figures ”Shippax Statistics” is published for the first time after the yearly traffic statistics was lifted from the March issue of ”Cruise & Ferry INFO” into a separate annual publication.
Shippax Award is launched as a means to stimulate innovative solutions. Prices are handed out every year at the ”Shippax Ferry Conference”
The first ”Ferry Shipping Conference” onboard was held.
Again moves to a new office close to the city centre of Halmstad, a place where we still remain today.
”Shippax Statistics” is completely revamped and becomes ”Shippax Market”. It is extended by nearly 100 pages and consists to a much larger extent of analyses, market reports and case studies.
Shippax receives the Halmstad Global Awards, a price for successful local businesses working internationally.
"Shippax Database" goes online.
The death of founder Klas Brogren.
A new graphical profile is made and the brand name is shortened from ”Shippax Information” to ”Shippax”. ”Cruise & Ferry INFO” becomes "Shippax CFI"
The since 27-year employee Elizabeth Mandersson takes over Shippax.
New website is launched with a much larger focus on the news service.
"Shippax CFI" becomes "Shippax INFO".
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