Shippax Info
Established 1965
Originally, the idea of publishing a magazine with traffic volumes was created by the ferry operators themselves, and the first issues of Car Ferry Information as it was called then were actually published as far back as over 50 years ago.
Published monthly, Shippax Info is a highly informative magazine crammed with the latest industry news from around the world. Each issue covers a topical theme in full, complete with diagrams, quotes and commentary from the experts.
Included is our totally unique monthly traffic statistics found nowhere else from all the major European ferry operators, fleet change reports, order books, current projects and much more.
All subscribers to the magazine receive access to our member page at where you can read the very latest online news updated continuously throughout the day, read the news section from the magazine a week ahead of printing and archive search for previously printed articles from all Shippax publications.
The October issue also comes with the Shippax Hi-speed pocket, a 160-page annual register with information and details of all fast ferries in the world.
All of our publications are printed in the highest possible quality papers with an easy-to-read lay-out combined with stunning photos and articles by the best and most respected names in the industry!!