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Estonian State Fleet will launch a new ferry construction tender for the Virtsu-Kuivastu route in September 2024

FerryAfter an initial procurement process and technical consultations earlier this year, the Estonian State Fleet, in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate, has decided to make adjustments to the Virtsu-Kuivastu ferry project to keep construction costs within the original budget of EUR 40 million, funded by the EU modernization fund and the state budget. The new ferry will be slightly smaller, more cost-effective, and is expected to be completed by the fall of 2026.

Due to global inflation, energy crises, and microchip shortages, the costs of shipbuilding have risen significantly within the last years. The revised ship design will ensure cost savings on both construction and operational expenses, as well as on port infrastructure modifications. The new tender will retain hydrogen readiness but will primarily use electricity as the main energy source, making the project more accessible to shipbuilders and encouraging more competitive bids.

The new ferry project is funded 65% by the EU's energy efficiency and environmental impact reduction support fund (Modernisation Fund) and 35% by the Estonian state.

The initial design had the following details:
Length: 118.00 m
Breadth: 20.00 m
Depth: 8.30 m
Draught: 3.50 m (max)
Passengers: 700 persons
Cargo capacity in two decks
Lower enclosed car deck: 42 PCU
Upper open cargo deck: 161 PCU or 16 TCU + 50 PBU
Lane metres: ab. 1,000

© Shippax



Jun 20 2024

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