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Molslinjen invests in ground-breaking flywheel technology

The potential of completely new and ground-breaking technology has meant that Molslinjen has just bought into the Hvidovre company Wattsup Power A/S. The company produces so-called flywheels, which in theory can run a fast ferry entirely on green energy.

In principle, a flywheel is ancient technology, which in this modern version can replace problematic batteries and send a fast ferry across the water on entirely green energy.
Right now it's theory. But flywheels from WattsUp Power A/S can run a fast ferry full of cars and passengers on completely green energy. That potential has led Molslinjen to invest in the Hvidovre company.

The parties have chosen not to disclose the size of the investment.

"We are in full swing with a green conversion of a large part of our ferry routes, which will be operated on electricity. That is why we are building new electric ferries for Als and Samsø. But we also need to have our fast ferries converted, and here flywheels can be a game changer", says Carsten Jensen, managing director of Molslinjen.

The flywheel is built into a cylinder where it hangs freely floating in a magnetic field. Green power can set the flywheel in such high revs that the green energy can be drained. If there are enough flywheels, they can drive a ferry. In other words, a green, mechanical battery without the problematic precious metals that must be used in known batteries.

"The technology must mature, in other words; we don't yet know if it will work in practice, but our partners and technical experts believe in the technology, which is now being developed for testing on board our fast ferries. Now we are giving WattsUp Power the opportunity to take the next step and have the ideas translated into practical tests on the lake, so that we can clarify whether we have a technology that will be able to completely change our business - and the business of many others as well", says Carsten Jensen.

The first step towards an approval will be an imminent test in the USA, which will show whether the theoretical calculations hold up in practice. The technology will then be installed on EXPRESS 4, where the flywheels will produce power for some of the ship's systems.

"Our technology has the potential to make a difference in the world. We are very much looking forward to seeing our ideas unfold in practice now, says CEO and founder of WattsUp Power, Martin Speiermann.

Nov 14 2022

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