(SEE ALSO NEWS BELOW) FRS Iberia Maroc / DFDS expresses its concern about the award process for berth 3 at the Port of Tarifa
FerryFRS Iberia Maroc / DFDS pressrelease: “In relation to the ongoing public tender for the concession of berth 3 at the port of Tarifa, we wish to express our deep concern about certain behaviours detected during the process. “
“We have learned that one of the participating shipping companies (Baleària, Shippax note) has declared itself the winner of the tender, even though the awarding procedure has not been formally concluded. We consider this action to be disrespectful both towards the port authority in charge of supervising the process and towards the potentially affected workers, who deserve this tender to be resolved in a transparent and legal manner.
In addition, the shipping company has submitted an offer that we consider clearly reckless, based on unrealistic projections and fictitious minimum traffic levels that clearly cannot be achieved.
We also note with concern that certain elements presented by the shipping company claiming to be the winner, such as the alleged supply of electricity in Morocco to operate an electrically powered ship, lack technical support and realistic basic coordination. There is no evidence that the port authority of Tangier Ville was consulted, even though its participation is essential to guarantee the necessary infrastructure and energy supply.
This lack of coordination highlights the inconsistent nature of the project, which seems more focused on obtaining points in the technical evaluation than on its actual implementation.
It is worth noting that the shipping company FRS Iberia Maroc / DFDS has obtained the highest score in the technical proposal, being the only participant that has fully respected the terms of the tender and presented a realistic and viable minimum traffic plan. This approach reflects a commitment to the effective fulfilment of contractual obligations, aligned with the objectives of the port and in defence of current legislation.
According to the specifications, specifically its “Rule 19”, failure to comply with the minimum traffic committed for two consecutive years may be cause for “expiration of the concession”, which puts the operational stability of the port at risk.
The text of the document is explicit in this regard:
"Failure to comply with this activity or minimum traffic for two consecutive years may result in the expiration of the concession."
However, the shipping company's promises of minimum traffic levels appear to be based on fanciful estimates, the non-fulfilment of which is foreseeable from the start.
It comes from the belief that 'if I get in, it will be impossible for me to be kicked out'
Currently, European Union laws protect both consumers and the industry.
We therefore urge the port authority to:
- Review the technical score assigned to proposals based on unviable projects or those without sufficient technical support, especially those projects that have not been explicitly approved by the competent authorities in Morocco.
- Ensure that the award is made in accordance with the requirements of the specifications, evaluating only offers that are viable both technically and operationally.
- Ensure that the process is transparent, impartial and in line with the integrity standards required by European and national regulations.
We trust that the competent authorities will take the necessary decisions to award this tender to a shipping company that has strictly complied with the conditions of the tender, presenting minimum achievable traffic and demonstrating its technical and operational viability on both banks.
We reiterate our willingness to cooperate with the authorities in order to ensure a fair and defensible process before any judicial or administrative body, whether national or European.”
Nov 21 2024