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SUPERSPEED 1 © Anders Martinsen

SUPERSPEED 1 © Anders Martinsen

Color Group 1H 2024 financial results

FinanceColor Line increased its operating revenues in the first half of 2024 to NOK 2.9 billion from NOK 2.7 billion a year-ago period, including one-off effects, and had an operating result (EBITDA) of NOK 389 million against NOK 467 million in 2023. During the period, the company transported a total of 1.6 million passengers and 81,259 freight units, compared with 1.5 million passengers and 96,991 freight units in 2023.

“The results for the first half of 2024 show that Color Line delivers attractive and competitive products both to passengers and logistics customers, which has been confirmed by a good high season and satisfactory demand levels into the second half of the year,” says Color Line CEO Trond Kleivdal.

“Sustainability and further digitalization are two of the main pillars within Color Lines strategic direction, and the company works systematically and methodically within both areas in order to realize its long-term ambitions,” Kleivdal says.

Read the full report https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/056a4966#/056a4966/2

© Shippax

Aug 28 2024

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