Shippax Info – The complete ferry information source
The first issue of our monthly magazine, Shippax Info, was actually published over 50 years ago – then known as Car Ferry Information – with the idea of exchanging traffic statistics and information between car ferry companies in Scandinavia.
Today that same basic idea remains for the magazine, but with the addition of several more sections to give our readers as complete a picture of the industry as possible.
Shippax Info covers the ferry, cruise, ro-ro and high-speed industry with all the latest news and analysis from our correspondents and experts around the world.
Each issue covers at least one topical theme, complete with diagrams, quotes and commentaries from the experts; our totally unique monthly traffic statistics found nowhere else from all the major European ferry operators; fleet change reports; order books; current projects and much more.
Content Shippax Info, November 17
A subscription does not only include the magazine, but also:
• Unlimited access to our online news service at
• Ability to comment the news and be part of the discussions
• Extended historic news search - search all online news dating back to 2001
• Complete article search. This search includes all articles and news from all our publications dating back to 1996; over 16,000!
• Midships – read this part of the magazine prior to printing. It includes the news, monthly statistics, projects and conversions, fleet changes and vessels on order. All issues dating back to February 2005 are included.
• The high-speed issue in October includes the 160-page High-Speed Pocket Book